The Story of a Plum Tree Called Connie
The following story is a fictional narrative that was written with a moral that you will find at the end of the story. The tree, you will notice, is called Connie because I recently bought a new pair of Converse sneakers. Hopefully you enjoy it and you find it a good read ❤
Jacky G
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Hi, I’m Connie and I’m a plum tree out the back of the Smith’s house. They have a backyard and I’m right in the middle of it. I’ve been here for a while as a tree and I’ve been enjoying my time growing nice plums for them to eat.
One day, I heard Mr Smith talking quietly and staring at me more often than usual. It took a moment for me to notice, but he was looking to get rid of me and replace me with a pool. It wasn’t a bad idea. I mean lil Smith was just getting into swimming practice and I heard he likes the water. More swimming for him. But what about me. And what about them. No more plums.
At the moment I had no plums on myself and I knew that if Mr Smith was looking to cut me down he might change his mind if I gave him a plum. So I conjured up all the energy I had and grew a plum at the bottom of my branches so he could reach it.
Mr, Mrs and lil Smith came out to the back yard. Mr Smith was now talking to me about the plan. A few of my leaves dropped in reaction and I pulled a stern look on my bark. Then Mrs Smith came to the rescue and said a few things. “What if we keep the tree and just take lil Smith to the pool more often during the week. He might get to see more of his friends,” said Mrs Smith. Mr Smith didn’t say anything and he looked at the last plum on my branches.
The wind came along and lowered my branch to Mr Smith. He reached out for the plum and picked it off my branches. It was very quiet. He took a bite of the plum I had grown very quickly. He looked at me then back at Mrs Smith. “You know what Mrs Smith… this tree of ours is pretty much a family member and I don’t know how it produced a plum for me so quickly. It was a tasty plum. Maybe it turns out that it knew about our plan to replace it with a pool. I think that we should keep the tree because its plums taste so nice.
Lil Smith and Mrs Smith filled with glee and so did I. More leaves fell from my branches as I filled with tears. They all headed inside and went back to their normal day.
As a tree I’ve always done my best to provide for the Smiths. Lil Smith is set to become a good swimmer with those swimming lessons of his. Hearing Mr Smith say I’m like part of the family and changing his mind about getting rid of me for a pool made me very happy. To me I’ve learnt the lesson that you’ve just got to try your best. Growing that plum so quickly took a lot of energy but it was definitely worth it. A message for all the plum trees and people in the world, I have is that you never know what you’ll get when you put the effort in ❤