Captain Cooked and Just Jack Set Sail
Hello there, my name is Just Jack. First name Just and second name Jack. Most people call me Jack cause it’s easier. Myself and Captain Cooked have been friends for a while. We became close friends when we both met eating dinner at the same table at a club. We’ve been friends for a while, so we know a little bit about each other. The night we met, Captain Cooked had a chicken Schnitzel and I had myself a chicken Schnitzel as well. So we kind of share similar interests.
Lately, myself and Captain Cooked have been talking about our favourite TV show called Ships and Dip. It’s a cooking show. We like it because it’s a play on the words Chips and Dip. The ships comes in the title because they are on ships cooking and they have to return from their trip with a prepared meal for the judges. Captain Cooked liked the time they cooked a chicken Schnitzel on the boat and so did I. It was a really good episode when they cooked the chicken Schnitzel. The Schnitzel had the perfect amount of crumbs on it and we both found ourselves drooling at the sight of the chicken.
Something happened in the last aired episode of the show that has the whole world talking. In the last aired episode, one of the boats never came back. There is a rumour that they found a new island that was covered in treasure and had lots of wonderful food. This has caused me and Captain Cooked to team up with ideas on how we can see if they really did find the island.
Even though Captain Cooked is a Captain, he has never captained a boat. Neither of us have worked a boat. We developed a plan to build a boat and get a crew together to find this island and the people that went missing.
Captain Cooked was eating a chicken Schnitzel with me and he opened his mouth and told me something. “Hey there Just Jack, when are we going to build this chip?” said Captain Cooked. “I don’t know. Maybe now is a good time,” I said back to him. “Good thinking Just Jack. You build the ship for us and I’ll be the Captain because I’m Captain Cooked,” exclaimed Captain Cooked. “Done deal. I’ll build the ship for us that can hold enough people. Oh yeah and it’ll float and stuff,” I said. “Sold,” said Captain Cooked.
I’ve never built a ship before so I got to work. It needs planks of wood, some wood, oh yeah maybe even a telescope on deck, a steering wheel and… oh that’s too much effort. How did I get this job, but I’ll do it for Captain.
I walked down the road and walked into a shop. The shop was called TLS the Tender Loving Ships shop and it was perfect for me. I’ve saved up a lot of money from working as a waiter at the club. I did this because I fell in love with plates of chicken Schnitzel.
There was a sign at the front of the shop so I read it. ‘All the ships in this shop are free. You just have to pull a funny face and let us put it on the wall here. How funny your face is determines how good the ship is you get.’ This seemed like a good idea I thought.
I walk quickly over to the shop owner and ask him to take my picture. He said to pull a face and I did. I gave a cheeky smile and had my hand under my chin. He took the photo. He put the photo up the on the wall. “Come with me,” said the shop owner.
I followed the shop owner to the ship he was giving me. We got there and I had a look and fell in love. Captain Cooked would have loved this ship. The shop owner said that the ship was mine and then he walked away from me. Oh well, at least I got a ship for free that is pretty good.
Then a thought went through my mind. We have to get a crew with us to come and find the island. I told Captain Cooked about the boat. Captain Cooked opened his mouth and said “Thanks darl”.
We both headed to the local pup dressed up as fine sailors with a picture of our boat on paper. We managed to get a few people from the pub to come with us. I got Dusty Halls, Captain Bones and Ava Schnitzel to come with us. Captain Cooked managed to get us some people he already knew. These people were Parma Jeani, Dunkina HotTub and Quick Windchimes. We had the team all together now.
The next day we set sail. We told the team we knew where to go and they should follow our directions. Captain Bones kept saying “I am the captain.” Captain Cooked just said “yeah but I am the Captain Cooked.” It didn’t take long before Captain Bones had had enough and left the ship. He swam back to shore. We had one less person on the team but it wasn’t enough to stop us from reaching the island from Ships and Dip.
Captain Cooked looked at me and looked away. Then Captain Cooked looked at me menacingly. “There are big hills in the ocean and I think they are waves.” “Yes I think you are right Captain Cooked. Everyone hands on deck,” I said. Then we sailed through the tough seas. Then Quick Windchimes said, “Hey we’re going in the wrong direction this leads to Captain Bone’s house.” Captain Cooked ignored him and said, “No it doesn’t I’m telling you.” Then I said, “We are 100% certain that we are right and we are telling you the truth.”
Only 20 minutes later we ended up at shore. Captain Cooked was feeling pride in his chest. A Captain that has reached the shore of the island. But then everyone looked at what was on shore and was blown away. Captain Bones was eating chicken Schnitzel in his house and watching previous episodes of Ships and Dip. Captain Cooked said that Captain Bones found the island. No one believed him. Then I, “Just Jack” said that we have made it to the island. Then Quick Windchimes said that this wasn’t the island. Captain Cooked didn’t say much. But we managed to steal lots of chicken schnitzel from Captain Bones’ house.
We sailed around Bones’ house and crashed at another island that Quick Windchimes and the team said we should go to. We found the TV crew from Ships and Dip and it was true that this island was covered in treasure. Captain Cooked’s mouth dropped. The trees had chicken Schnitzels and the ground was made of sugar.
“This is paradise” everyone in the ship said at once. We all got off the ship and had a look around. There was so much food. We became friends with everyone on the island and had a good time. Dunkina HotTub jumped into the pools of hot custard by the rivers of Sarsaparilla. I found the fairy floss bushes and Captain Cooked found a bush that grew fish and calamari rings. It was a very good journey and we have to thank the show Ships and Dip for the journey. They told us to go away but we accepted the belief that we could stay here. They moved away and Captain Cooked installed a TV so we could watch the new seasons of Ships and Dip on the TV. We had a good time and all the crew were happy we could get them on the trip. Yeah just overall a good trip and Captain Cooked and I Just Jack learnt that you should always tell the truth. We had no idea where to go. We were better at eating chicken Schnitzels and putting some sauce on the schnitzels then how to use a boat. We are humble now and have learnt a lot.
The end.
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