2018 Feel Good
2018’s nearly coming to a close and so this article’s just about spreading positive energy (near and far). Each one of these is just an idea, and like ideas, ideas change with time. These were ones that managed to get stuck with me and encourage me to do good things so far in 2018:
- The only fair judgement of a person is their good heart
- Sucking at something is just the first step towards being kinda good at something
- You are everything you are meant to be
- Unbalanced moments in the past can help us appreciate a balance today
- Positive Aura
Exercising a positive attitude is one of the best things we can do. A Positive attitude’s going to take us to the places we are bound to go.
To me as well, Aura is one of the most positive words. It makes me think of loved ones, those that have passed away and that life is about opportunities. The word itself also feels calming.
Thanks for reading this article if you were able to. Hope you have a good one